Dark Figures in the Pool

I had been going down a stream of water near my house, and it came to a large water slide.  I climbed to the top, with one person ahead of me, and several behind.  When I got to the top I watched the girl ahead go down and I was alarmed! Down in the pool, were many black figures. Tall and fully black.  With them were men dressed in black government/military attire. Terrifying! She got to the bottom of the slide and into the pool, I don’t know if her neck was broken or what, but they zipped her up in a black bag and took her away.  The figures were all wading around the pool.  Probably around 15 or so.

I looked at the life guard at the top of the slide for a clue, and I said “I don’t think I want to go down there..” and I realized he was just hired by them as well. So, I knew I had to use my own will.  Those at the bottom looked up and knew I was next to come down.  I started down the slide, and with my intention, forced my self and my essence off the slide and into a different reality/scenario.  

Where I arrived, I was in a room, and two insurance agents came in.  I was willing to pretend to negotiate but they weren’t wasting any time. They rolled up their sleeves and were ready to “take care of” me. Yeesh! I had two pieces of wood, like a table leg or something, and was able to fight them off. I killed them or knocked them out or something, and escaped again! Phew!

Photo Retakes

We were at Grammie Rita’s because it was photo retake day for school. In the living room, the photographer had everything set up. Gus had missed photo day so he was getting his photos done. They had also missed his photos from the year before and wondered about retakes, but we told them it was too late. I peaked around the corner to see and Adam and Heather had brought the girls as well in case they could get in a photo. They had Christmas jammies on. They also had a cat with them and the cat had Christmas jammies on and a Christmas hat. It was sitting like a human next to the girls. 

Back out in the kitchen, we were having supper, but it was like we were at a restaurant. There were people at tables all around, Lydia was with me, and Dad and Chris. I know it was time to pay so we were going to pay the bill, Lydia was on the outside of the table, and she was getting bothered by the smoke from the people on the next table. I looked up in the sky, and for some reason from in there, I could see all of the stars and constellations. I could see the big dipper and appointed up to it. To the left, I thought I could faintly see the comet, so I got out my Night Sky app to see if I was right and I was but then I looked up at the full moon, was there too

I heard them make an announcement that anybody in the bookstore, which is I guess where we were then, needed to leave because they were closing. So I tried to go and find B and I found her and I was trying to get her ready. My friend Z from high school and middle school flopped down on the couch next to her not knowing that we were and I said hi Z and he said oh hi! Then B and I left. We were trying to get out the door, but the cleaners was kind of in the way, and I wasn’t sure if we were allowed to go that way, but we pushed the cleaning cart away and went out the door. 

Now we were somewhere that wasn’t there, a bigger city in the USA. B was walking way ahead of me in the parking lot and I was freaking out saying someone could steal her, and wait for me so that we can walk together. She got in the car when I got in with her and for some reason she was driving and she drove us to the end of the parking lot and I asked her why we were parking there and she said it was near our car. I didn’t believe her and thought she didn’t even know what our real car looks like. So I told her I would drive us over to where our car was to make sure it was the right car, but she was in the driver seat and pulled the car out of the drivers Parking spot, and was backing up again, and I was freaking out. I was yelling for her to get out of the car right now so I could drive, because the parking lots are the most dangerous place to drive. She wasn’t listening to me and was giving me annoying answers. And finally she got out . I was so nervous because they were people all around and I told her to get in the effing car, and that she had to sit in the backseat in her car seat, when she asked to sit in the front. While we were having this fight, a stranger lady got into the driver seat of the car, and I was in the backseat. She started to drive our car away and I was freaking out so bad scared where she was going to take us. I was trying to get B to help me unbuckle her seatbelt  so that I could get her out of our car but B wasn’t helping. I was able to wrap part of the seatbelt around the woman’s neck and strangle her. As she was coming off of one street to merge onto the highway I opened the car door and was able to push her out onto the ground and jump into the front seat. I wondered if I would get in trouble for this or if it was self-defense. I started driving on the highway having no idea where we were going . I was so nervous and worried about that. I had just killed somebody. 

I just remembered, before all of this happened, I was talking to Gene and Charlotte, and they told me they were going on vacation, I thought they would say Saint Andrews and I asked where they were going, and they told me Florida! I couldn’t believe it and I was so happy they were finally going somewhere. I asked if they were going to Disney and they said no. I tried to convince them that they should get an electric wheelchair each and they would have so much fun at Disney because they would experience it all but not have to do the horrible walk. I told them the best time I ever had a Disney was when I had a wheelchair when I was pregnant because I couldn’t walk because of my hip. 

And another dream, CP was there, we were hanging on to each other‘s hands in a lineup, but I’m not sure what the lineup is for. He had this little kid hands, and he was shorter than me, but I was still his friend. We ended up in this room, and I’m not sure what it was if it was a waiting area or what but I was so tired I lay down next to him on a massage table so I could get some rest. I remembered he was an adult, who is married with two kids,  

Teach the Teacher Day

It was teach the teacher day at Pilates. So all of the students would be there for a social gathering.  When I arrived, it was an outdoor garden party type of thing. It was in the countryside somewhere, but there was a bigger building that was kind of like an old hotel dining area.  When I got outside there were lots of other students there already. I thought how neat it was that I would instantly find more Pilates people all in one spot. 

When I went outside there were lots of people helping get things ready. Setting large tables with plates/bowl/utensils, water etc. I thought how weird it was they were all there helping already! I felt a little sad, thinking that Hannah asked them all but didn’t ask me to help. I thought maybe they were also all her close friends, when I thought I was the closest! My pride was a bit hurt but I started helping. I was paired with this guy, around my age, a little odd but nice enough. 

A bit later, I met a girl who was super nice and we became friends. I liked her a lot and was happy to hang out.  There were a bunch of people on the side hill, kind of like bleacher seating. She pointed up and said “Oh! There’s my boyfriend!”. I looked up and it was the guy I had been partnered with! I was so surprised! I thought what a nice couple. 

He came down, got down on one knee and pulled a ring out. He was proposing to her! I had my phone and I was like “Don’t worry! I got this!” Thinking if anyone could get phone pics, it would be me.  Well I couldn’t get the right thing to hit. I was hitting stop and record and was missing the whole thing! Without even getting pictures.  Eventually it was over and I was walking back to my car which was parked a bit further away on a dirt driveway, carrying my stuff. Feeling a bit sad and let down. 


Next I was taking Tarot/Oracle card client. I had my first client Courtney, she was laying in my bed and I was going to try to hypnotize her.  But before I could even start, she was already snoring!! (I think Chris may have been snoring in real life at this point). Anyway I decided I couldn’t do it this way because I didn’t want her to be asleep for the reading, so set up a desk and chair. I was in an old classroom from school, and there were other people in desks around.  It changed now from Courtney to my friend’s mom Nancy. I was trying to separate our desk from the others and felt like it was probably private so shouldn’t be that close.  Another lady came over and picked up the cards, I didn’t want her to touch them tho. As soon as she left I lit sweet grass to cleanse the cards and the space. 

I started laying out cards, and I had three different packs. I was layering cards on top of each other, and soon I had lots of cards out.  I was kind of making a mess of it all! 

The first card I was looking at, had a message written in script. It was some cliche saying about a mother. But I couldn’t even read it. Stumbling over the words, Nancy had to help me read it and I was so embarrassed! 

I don’t know if I ever got anything out of it, but I do remember the message for her. She felt shame about the split from/letting down her first husband. That she didn’t work hard enough to make it work. There was a strong MOTHER theme going on as well. 

Passenger in Cars

The last two nights, I’ve had dreams that I am a passenger in a car. It’s always strange to me when I dream multiple versions of similar dreams. It makes me take note and start looking for answers.


Maureen was driving us somewhere, and we came to a rocky area with a bit of water and she drove right over it. I was so scared because it seem dangerous to drive with a car over water but she wasn’t worried and we managed to get to the other side. Not sure what we did on the other side for the day but when it was time to leave we went back and the water had come in and there was a lot more water than there was when we had gone over.

But she didn’t even slow down and drove right over it, she said don’t worry it’s OK, it’s completely safe and fine. Meanwhile I was in the front seat terrified.  We managed to get over fine and we were driving through this trail and I thought we were going way too fast to be on this little trail and she said not to worry it was OK we were fine. Then she said look we’re protected, we are OK it’s safe no matter what we do, and she started driving super super super fast through the woods it looked like trees flying at us everywhere  and I was saying stop stop! We could hit a tree and have a car accident! And she said no Karen it’s OK we are safe. And somehow we got through it all.

We ended up in Hartland and Maureen took me all over the place touring me around to places I had never seen. I realize that it was so fun going to all these little places. There was man sitting at a little kiosk and we had to give him a loonie to get through, I kind of got the feeling that we had bribed him but I wasn’t sure and Maureen just knew what to do.

We drove around on all of these high roads that were tiny and on the edge of a cliff, I wondered why we weren’t going so fast there, but Maureen said that wasn’t a place we needed to go faster . We went to all these places I had never seen before and I thought how neat it was that we live so close but I wasn’t an insider so I didn’t know about them all.


I dreamed that my uncle Peter got gotten a new white truck. His first ever vehicle.  He came and picked me up at the mall in town, my mom had sent him to get me.

I got in the truck, and I could feel how proud he was. It was a white, smaller truck, used and quite old, with comfy warn in seats. I asked him if he had gotten his license and he mumble yes but I didn’t really believe him. 

We started driving through town, and I thought “Oh well, he seems to know what he’s doing”  

We went through the woods a bit, and he was driving really fast. I was getting scared and yelled to slow down, and I thought I wanted to get out! I thought about jumping out. We were coming to a building or something, and I yelled “Stop it’s a wall!” but he kept driving and we burst through the wall. I didn’t know what we should do. Should we call the police? But he didn’t have a license.. We just turned around and drove away. 

A Lion Girl Fight

Our old minister and wife from my childhood came to visit. We chatted and talked about old friends etc. They wanted us to change things around, how we were seated, and the noise in the background, etc., so we did.

The next day, I went downstairs and there was a scary note. Either J had slit someone’s throat, or someone slit hers (I know! Morbid!). I was so scared.

I received another note, that said it wan’t her. It was the man who owned the house we were at. I knew then I would have to protect everyone and “take care of him”. 

I was searching and on alert, there were a lot of people at the house. A man came down from upstairs and I Was ready to fight. He was like “WOAH! It’s not me. I’m just a guest. Someone find her a pic of him so she knows who she’s looking for”. 

I was trying to call 911 but, as always, I’m unable to dial correct numbers in a dream. I even though “weird this is happening and it’s not even a dream”. I knew I could start the fight but I wasn’t sure I could finish it without back up. So I tried to get somone else to call. 

The man who had come downstairs said “They said it would be a Lion who fought him.. I think it might be someone else”.

I stared at him shocked and annoying and yelled. “I AM A LION. I am a Leo! I am a strong Lion! How much more lion could one be?!” I realized my hair was flowing around my head like a lion, I looked down and I was wearing gold/mustard shiny crushed velvet skirt and top and boots. I was fierce and terrified and ready to fight. 

I woke up, very scared at that moment.

Panic to get to work

I had a particularly difficult customer

I was still at home but this difficult customer wanted to meet at the show room at 10 AM. I was getting ready and suddenly realized it was 955 and I only had five minutes to get there. The drive to work is about 20 minutes. My brother was also getting ready and I realized that he thought he was supposed to meet her at 10 AM too. So at least we’re both trying hard to get there. I knew that the customer would be annoyed if I wasn’t there at the time that she wanted me there but I thought that probably my mom was at the show room and might be able to help her until I got there. I went outside to get ready to go and I started to drive away on my little motor scooter. But I suddenly thought it would take me longer to get there in the motor scooter so I should take my SUV car instead. When I got to the end of the

Road there was construction work going on. The man working motion for me to go out around him down the ditch through the snow and back up but I was too scared to do that because it looked dangerous. So I went straightahead into a spot where my car didn’t quite fit and I scratch somebody else’s car. When I got to that spot I realized there was no way that my car would make it and I somehow got a four wheeler and started driving that instead. There was a lot of snow so I switched the four wheeler for my dad‘s new skidoo and started driving that but realized I did not know how to drive that. I had no idea how to get a skidoo to town and where to find enough snow to drive it. There was a person from my high school who is very into screws who was directing traffic. She saw me driving it and realized I was doing everything wrong. He came and looked at the handles took off the ends of the handles and squirted water out of them saying that this must be a Siberian model. She looked at me asking but I really had no idea. By this time I was at least an hour late and I was very panicked.

The precious dolls

It was before work and I was outback and I’m back road somewhere.

I decided I was going to use a bicycle to get back to work instead of driving because I didn’t think it would take very long. He started to bike and it was a dirt road so it was a little bit difficult going I kept thinking I was almost there and I will come around to turn and remember that there was so much further to go. I had thought it would take 15 minutes but I don’t really been biking for two hours and I was starting to panic a little bit. I came to a spot where there was like a little tunnel thing that was kind of like the covered bridge but it was full of plants. The plants were all dead and brambly so there was no way to get through. I had to go around that covert thing onto the line of a neighbor. As I was walking my bike along their lawn they came out and it was our accountant from work. I had toExplain to them why I was on their lawn. And they said it’s OK everybody does it. After I finish that part there’s still so much rolls left to get to work I didn’t think that I would get there in time I was two hours late already and wondered what time I would ever really get there.

We were at a hotel or an apartment or something and my dad asked me to come into the room where he was having a meeting. He asked me what sort of lights I put up in the room that I was staying in or that I was working in. And I said that they were hanging lights but he couldn’t have them or give them to a customer or an employee because it was part of my design. Oh also I remember when I was in the other room it was an office but it was somebody else’s office from work. Something happened in the whole room tipped and where the desk was supposed to catch itself it didn’t and ended up knocking everything off of another dust. Anyway back to the other meeting room my dad seem stressed and I was wondering what was wrong and somebody said something about one of our operators. Dad said that he was going to have them tested for drugs twice a week. I asked why and the other guy said that he isn’t a very very hard drugs and I said oh really? Like bad things? And he said yes very bad. I looked outside and there were hoodlums wandering around the door apparently connected to this employee G. So my mom and I were going to leave and instead of going out the lobby door we were going to go out the door Connected Tourist Hotel Route. When we got out there we saw some past customers out there too but we ignored them. We started to drive away and my mom told me that my dad wanted a big big water. I was like what does that mean? But I told her we should just get him a 2 L of water and bring it back. She said he had to return the camper. I wondered what thatMeant and she told me that they had rented a camper to try it out and they had parked outside the hotel and he had to take it back to somebody named Clem.

Next we were at our old house and I opened up the garbage can and saw all of my precious dolls from my childhood. All of my favourite dolls and even my wallet full of important documents. A wallet that I don’t use anymore but that was important to me. I saw my dad and I was like what the heck? And he said that someone told him that every February was the time to D clutter everything. I was furious and screaming. Crying so angry yelling how could you do this? How would you feel if I just went around and threw all of your stuff in the trash. I was so upset I was screaming. I went and found my mom and told her what he did she was going to talk to him but I was inconsolable. Somehow I ended up downtown at a place where I was going to need to cross the road. I was trying to figure out which block I wanted to go on and I realize the one I have been planning to go on talk to long so I ran back the other way. My sister-in-law‘s mom was yelling my name saying I should come her way because then we could see each other but I said no I have to go the other way. I was trying to get back to that garbage truck and save the rest of my dolls. I got across the road and went back to the place but I realized it was the next day so it wouldn’t be much hope that my garbage wouldn’t be there anymore. Then the carpenters were trying to print a book label for me for a room they were working on so I told him I would do it myself they had a green sleeve and asked me if I wanted it light green or dark green and I said light. Then my mom was trying to tell me something about the colour orange being important and I told her I hate orange. She said in all Asian countries Orange plays a big part in their spiritual something or other. I thought that was nice but I think at this point in the dream I was still really worried about all of my things in the trash can

Message: You can change the outcome

It started out that my brother told me that he had sent his old Ford ranger to be fixed somewhere.

He was distraught because the person he sent it to just hid it somewhere on their property and wouldn’t tell him where it was… It wasn’t even that he cared that much it was just so sneaky and weird. 

There was some type of divide between the two areas one of them was kind of old fashion and had a completely different vibe and we were on the other side. I was doing some thing on our side when a man, I think the one that had my brothers truck, started throwing baseballs at me. She had a shooting machine at first that would throw them at me then he would throw them by hand. He was also throwing frisbees at me. He was taunting me and saying why don’t you throw them back?

I knew that I wouldn’t be able to throw them very hard so I just try to ignore him and shelter myself and catch them when he threw them instead of letting them hit me. I was calling for help yelling to my dad and my husband to please help me but nobody seems to come. That man was on our side of the line. I looked and his wife was there too, I tried to appeal to her but she was just as evil and nasty as he was. Somehow I managed to get them back on their side and I tried to close the sliding patio door that separated us. There was a lock latch on the bottom of each side of the door and I was able to lock the first one but when I tried to lock the other side it didn’t catch and I couldn’t get it locked.

I called to my dad for help locking it and I was getting panicked that they would try to get in before I could get it fully locked. I could see you at the bottom of the window and I could see horse and carriage is driving by… So I knew that it was sort of an old fashion setting on that side of the land.

I got back to my office or some thing and I was reading messages from my friend and colleague Sherry… She was saying that she wanted to call me by a nickname and sent me a list of nicknames all of them starting with C. She did state she decided to call me curves which I felt was a little bit weird the song from Aladdin, a whole New World, was playing in the background and she was humming to it as she was typing to me. She understood the situation about the person that was throwing the balls and it was somehow connected to them as well and they had had to deal with it too. So she was trying to reassure me but I was still completely wound up about it. 

i had three dreams, all different but the same basic message.  Things led up to a certain point (i cant remember the details), and at that point it was like “now there’s supposed to be a sucky part or a fight or something”, but I changed directions and was released from that part because i didnt have to have it that way now. and every time i woke up i got a flash that it was connected to what i said before bed

Leaping Ship and Two Moons in the Sky

I was on some type of futuristic ship… At first I thought it was a regular ship in the water and it was travelling so quickly. When we would come to a city or landmass somehow the ship would fly over that land and land back in the water after that and continue quickly travelling I couldn’t tell where exactly we were. When we landed it seemed to be that we were in a place like Halifax where I went to university. We kept going to this really boring tourist attraction And I’m not even really sure what it was but I know it cost $20 each. They were really strange rooms that we had to stay in but you need to get in there through a window.

After that we got into a vehicle to travel to a place, I wasn’t really sure where we were going but we knew where we were supposed to go. Me and a friend we’re going to the specific place and finally we got there and pulled into the driveway. At this point I was watching more as an observer… It was two people I’m not sure which one I was, but the man buckled the girl into the car so she couldn’t move and the reason being was in case there was danger she wouldn’t jump out before he had a chance to save her. I looked up into the sky and noticed that the moon Was wrong. Instead of being one normal moon there were two overlapping. That is what gave me the alert that we were somewhere we weren’t supposed to be. When the boy get out of the car there was a man waiting to talk to him at that point I was suddenly terrified and knew we had to get out of there. The boy jumped back in the car and I tried to act nonchalant out the window I said we forgot some thing will be right back probably a half an hour or so sorry for that and we pulled away. I was so scared he would see through what we were doing but I knew we had to escape.

Bad baby sitter.. just in time

Donna asked me what I would do for a house with a blue roof. We talked about the tone and shade of the flu and then I told her to do a white siding with a blue door and blue shutters then I changed it to cedar shutters instead. I was wondering why she wanted to know later I realized that she had bought a house to flip. I was running near Grammy Rita’s house and they were there so I ran into talk to her it was foggy outside. I was full of energy bouncing around jumping doing flips and twirls and I told her that if she was looking to flip the house to sell it she could ask me and I would tell her all of the finishes that she should do the buyers are looking for because I deal with them every Day. I was a little bit sad because no one seems to care or think that I really had a talent for this.

The next dream I was in high school and I was getting ready for school. I was almost late when I thought why don’t I just drive myself there and I can leave a little bit later. Because my friend was coming to visit later as well so then I could drive us both home. Well I got to school and realized I had my baby brother who was just an infant with me he may be a few weeks old… I had forgot that he was with me so now I was going to have to figure out what to do with him. My mom was busy and couldn’t babysit him and I had no idea who else I could ask. I knew that Heather had too much on her plate to help out. So I thought of posting something on Facebook asking if there is anybody anywhere that might be able to help me. Someone had suggested that maybe Jesse would help. Well I had been at school now for a whole. And remembered that I had no formula to feed the baby so there was no way I could keep him at school anyway. I was thinking of leaving after first. Because it would be gym class and I could just miss it when I suddenly remembered that I left the baby in the car. I was full of panic I ran and jumped down two flights of stairs without even touching the stairs through my plate from breakfast on the floor in the lobby in sprinted outside in a major panic. Has a baby suffocated in the heat? I was sick and scared and I flew through the parking lot as fast as I could. Asking My angels and guides to protect the baby but knowing there was slim chance he was OK. When I get to the car there was a rain cloud above the car keeping only my car cool with a shower above it I open the door and the baby was OK the relief was so great. 

Next I went to this place for a spiritual person to teach me something. We were supposed to lay down for a meditation and change into our pyjamas are comfortable clothes but I had forgotten to pack mine so I was naked underneath of a blanket. The teacher laid down next to me and they were other students on the other side of me she said now we’re going to practice and asked for a volunteer to come over to stay next to her. I was so mortified that I had no clothes wondering why I didn’t just keep my street clothes on. Instead of me going to help her a man went over and he was supposed to start thinking about his energy but instead he wanted to steal the show and start talking about hers she sat right on top of her even though she told him it was the wrong way and tried to control the whole situation. It was really creepy to watch because he Obviously was coming from a place of pure ego. Later I was in a classroom with all of my elementary school classmates.